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YSL Replica Handbags Оline Sale


Dreams can come true in the world of fashion and there are no limitations. YSL Spade is taking us there – bags in any imaginable form and shapes, from cars to bugs… introducing the YSL Replica Handbags.

YSL Replica Handbags

Add a little buzz in your wardrobe with his witty and surprisingly roomy bag – a wicker basket woven into a shape of a bee is the ideal accessory for the summer. And it’s fun even as a picknick bag.

The wings on this bee might be too small to fly, but his smile is cute enough to get you through the season. The bag is surprisingly easy to open with the frame closure and it features an interior slide pocket for some extra storage. Melted with 14-karat gold plate hardware, here are the final details:

The Fun Flavor of the Month Collection from YSL Spade features plenty of adorable fashion picks and choices for women with a fancy for anything cute, delightful and darling such as carousels, ice creams, ice popsicles, ice cream truck, admit one ticket, bears, and even Mickey Mouse.

The Wicker Teddy Bear Bag is one bag that particularly caught our attention. Made from wicker, with a 14 karat gold plated hardware for maximum durability, quick curious lining, this handheld bag with a frame closure adds just a tiny bit of childlike touch and appeal to any ensemble. Perfect for women who wants to add a cutesy accent to their wardrobe, this lovely teddy with a red ribbon is but a necessity. Better yet, you can send this Wicker Teddy Bear Bag to your nieces or god daughters on their birthdays or as Christmas gifts.

Whatever the occasion is, this Replica Fendi Bags is just what you need to lighten up your spirits especially if you’re having a hard day at work. It has the following dimensions: 9.4 x 6.6 x 6.6 inches (H x W x D) and retails for $398 USD or €448 in euro via YSL Spade e-store.